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A recent $1 million loan from Capital Fund will support Lifecare Family Health and Dental Center (Lifecare)’s $1.8 million renovation project, enabling the health center to better serve their growing patient base in Massillon, OH, where 97% of patients live at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guideline.  

Since its founding in 1994, Lifecare has provided primary medical care to the low-income, uninsured, and underinsured residents of Stark County, Ohio, through its three locations. Before beginning their Massillon renovation, Lifecare conducted extensive demographic research to determine whether there was a demand for additional healthcare services across the seven-zip code Massillon area. Their study found that of 101,000 residents, 27,500 are low income—indicating a significant growth potential for Lifecare, as the only Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in the area.  

The modernized 12,661-square-foot clinic will allow Lifecare to expand their primary care and family medicine services, as well as dental and behavioral health services. The new space will increase the number of medical exam rooms from four to 15, dental chairs from three to eight, and behavioral health offices from two to three. Additionally, medication management psychiatric nurse practitioner offices will increase from 0 to three.    

With the expansion, Lifecare expects to increase the number of patients it serves by 51%, from nearly 11,000 in 2022 to a projected 16,500 in 2033. Visits are expected to increase by an impressive 71%, from 40,700 in 2022 to 69,500 in 2033. The new site will also increase health center jobs by 27%, from 99 in 2022 to 125 in 2033.  

In addition to providing medical, dental, and behavioral health services to the community, Lifecare also works with Ohio Primary Care Workforce Initiative (OPCWI). OPCWI’s mission is to teach, inspire, and provide students with clinical experiences in modernized primary care settings. The providers at Lifecare’s new facility will help train the students and provide them with experience in a Patient Centered Medical Home setting. Learn more about Lifecare here: https://lifecarefhdc.org/  

Schedule a free consultation with Brandon Boyle, Senior Director of Loan Programs, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about our loan programs.